ARIES encourages excellent graduates from quantitative degree subjects, but limited undergraduate/graduate backgrounds in environmental sciences, to consider undertaking a PhD in the environmental sciences. This seeks to build on NERC’s Research Experience Placement (REP) scheme, although applicants need not have previously participated in a REP to qualify.
This scheme will apply to candidates applying for one or more of the ARIES studentships currently being advertised. No action is needed on the part of the applicant, although if you wish to be considered for this funding, you should make clear in your application what strengths make you suitable for consideration for the particular project(s) you are applying for. Consideration of awards will be carried out after shortlisted candidates have been interviewed in February. No judgement will be made in advance of that time.
Up to three awards will be made at the discretion of the ARIES Studentship Panel. Successful candidates will be informed that they are being offered a 3.75-year (i.e. 3 years and 9 month) studentship in their offer letter.
Those accepting such an award will be expected to carry out advanced level training in the first 3-9 months of their Studentship. This can comprise attendance at Masters level or Honours level modules from the Higher Eduction Institution (HEI) of registration or, where available, at that of another ARIES partner. It could also comprise external advanced level courses intended for those at postgraduate level (e.g. NERC Advanced Training Short Courses, Summer Schools of learned societies, etc.), or a mixture of both. The expected level of training is that typical of a semester of academic courses taken by a final year undergraduate. Attendance at such courses will require approval of the module director.
It is not intended that candidates will be assessed in their academic courses, but they may wish to carry out coursework as valuable formative exercises. Evidence of attendance may, however, be required, so copies of attendance sheets should be provided.
This scheme does not alleviate the candidate of the necessity of undertaking all mandatory institutional and ARIES induction activities and Winter/Summer Schools.
There is no direct provision of costs for travel or course fees to attend such courses, but ARIES PGRs have a small annual UK travel budget that can be used, and requests for further funding will be considered by ARIES on a case-by-case basis.
The additional 3 months funding may be revoked by the ARIES Strategy Board if there is insufficient evidence of adequate engagement with the additional training.
Please contact the ARIES administrator in case of queries about this scheme: