Eliza Karlowska

Eliza Karlowska


I graduated from Imperial College London in 2020 with a first class degree in Geophysics (MSci). I aspire to do a research career in numerical modelling of fluid dynamics, developing and extending cutting-edge scientific computational models for enhanced forecasting of natural phenomena.

During my degree, I enjoyed multiple research opportunities at AMCG research group at Imperial. In summer 2018, I undertook a BP-funded project in coupling numerical simulations of earthquake-generated tsunamis with a surrogate modelling framework. The aim of the project was to predict maximum wave heights at the coast for a range of input earthquake source parameters. In summer 2019, I conducted an EPSRC-funded project exploring landslide-generated tsunamis. In this project, I quantified the severity of events in terms of potential losses from building damage. This project became a foundation for my MSci thesis, for which I estimated damages to Scottish coastal infrastructure from a landslide tsunami, similar to historical Storegga event off the coast of Norway.

As a part of my degree, I completed a year abroad placement at the University of California, Berkeley. During my placement, I worked as a part of Earth Imaging research group (https://rallen.berkeley.edu/ ) on subduction zone dynamics in Alaska derived from seismic anisotropy observations. Apart from research, I was also able to broaden my horizons and take classes outside of standard Geophysics degree. I took particular interest in fluid dynamics, where I attended undergraduate atmospheric dynamics and graduate environmental and geological fluid mechanics courses.

Eliza Karlowska

Marine, Atmospheric and Climate Science

University of East Anglia, School of Environmental Sciences

PhD title: Will coupling the Met Office forecast model to an ocean model improve weather predictions in the tropics?

Numerical weather prediction (NWP) is the main tool behind weather forecasting of meteorological variables. It is is based on computer models of physical laws that govern the atmosphere. One of the most advanced NWP systems in the world has been developed at the Met Office (CASE partner). With an ongoing drive to improve forecasts, the new model includes addition of ocean processes into the standard atmospheric models. These so-called “coupled ocean-atmosphere” NWP systems are likely to improve forecast skill, particularly in the tropics with Madden-Julian Oscillation that is linked to hazardous weather.

Preliminary analyses show that coupled NWP systems perform better than standard atmosphere-only NWPs. Therefore, the research will focus on quantifying the benefit of a coupled model with a process-based analysis to determine atmospheric and oceanic mechanisms behind any increase in skill. The analysis will provide recommendations to the Met Office for future development of their coupled NWP system.

Further Information


• Student Shaper (summer 2020) – worked in a team of students, liaising with academic staff to incorporate programming into curriculum within Earth Science and Engineering Department at Imperial.
• Undergraduate Teaching Assistant (2019 – 2020) – assistant for Year 1 programming course in Python and Year 2 Seismology course in Earth Science and Engineering Department at Imperial.

• Outreach Mentor (2017 – 2020) – Maker Challenge Programme mentor for local children ages 11 – 17, supervising 3D printers, laser cutters and woodworking equipment during students’ product development phase.

Voluntary Work:
• Light designer for ‘’Macbeth’’ play at Imperial (2019) and “Curtains” musical at UC Berkeley (2018)
• Volunteer at Robotics Academy, Imperial College (2017 – 2020)
• Science Fiction Society Secretary at Imperial College (2017/2018)
• Undergraduate Liaison at EAGE, Imperial College (2017/2018)


EPSRC UROP Award (summer 2019) – £1935.78 research funding awarded for landslide-generated tsunami risk assessment (6 weeks).

BP UROP Award (summer 2018) – £1652 research funding awarded for earhquake-generated tsunami risk assessment (8 weeks).

National Geography Olympiad finalist (2016) – in top 114 Geography students in Poland, exempt from Geography A-level equivalent.

Prime Minister of Poland Scholarship (2015) – awarded to top student in each school in Poland.

Mayor Scholarship (2013, 2014) – awarded twice to top secondary school student in my town.

Lower secondary school Geography Olympiad finalist and laureate (2011, 2012) – 1st place in the district, exempt from Science GCSE-equivalent.

