The DTP recognises the considerable value that internships and placements may have for the professional development and experiential training of PGRs.
We recognise two conceptually different arrangements:
– placements which are integrated in to the PGR’s thesis work
– internships that provide an experience that may be entirely outside of the PGR’s area of research, or entirely outside of academia.
Placements are generally associated with CASE Awards; over a third of ARIES-funded PGRs hold such awards. CASE Awardees spend at least 3 months over the course of their period of study on placement with their CASE sponsor. Such placements form an integral part of their doctoral studies, and contribute to their thesis. In these instances the placements take place within the bounds of the period of study (normally 3.5 years) and the PGRs are not eligible to interrupt or extend their studies.
Internships are usually not foreseen or planned for at the start of the thesis, and require the PGR to suspend their thesis studies while engaged on the internship and seek a formal concession from their University of Registration (and host organisation where different) to interrupt their PhD studies. All Regulations, Terms and Conditions for concessionary interruption of study from the appropriate Institution must be followed, and as these can vary, advice should be sought locally. For the avoidance of doubt, interruption of study is associated with termination of stipend and fee payments for the duration of the interruption, and a commensurate (i.e. equivalent) period of extension is applied to the PhD studies.
Further information and guidance is available in the ARIES Internship Policy.