Acknowledging Your Funder

Acknowledging Your Funder

Funder Acknowledgement and Logos

‘This work was supported by the Natural Environment Research Council and the ARIES Doctoral Training Partnership [grant number NE/S007334/1]’

It is a condition of your funding that ARIES-funded PGRs must acknowledge NERC and ARIES in any outputs arising from the studentship (including papers and posters, but also images, video, etc). Acknowledgements should take the above form.

In addition, ARIES-associated PGRs should acknowledge the funder in this way for any outputs arising from ARIES training.

Download the ARIES logo for use on posters, presentations, email signatures, and in videos/photos, etc, as follows:

JPG (digital only): Colour | Black

PNG (digital only): Colour | Black | White 

EPS files for printing (in Colour: RGB, CMYK or Pantone; Black; or White) are also available. Request these by emailing

n.b. NERC logos and guidance on their use can be downloaded from their website.